Benefits Training

and Consulting

Hosting a workshop.

What is Hosting a Workshop?


    Hosting a workshop is a simple arrangement between an organization or agency (the host) and Benefits Training And Consulting to conduct a workshop.  The workshop will be conducted on a mutually agreed upon date, at a mutually agreed upon location.


    The host agency has ten free seats at the presentation, in exchange for the meeting space, light refreshments and assistance in advertising.  This is great way to offer staff training in a tight economy.  A variety of organizations host the workshop annually as a way of providing training to new staff and providing a refresher to other staff.


What are the Host's Responsibilities?


    The host agency provides training space for 30 to 40 people.  Classroom style seating is best, to give everyone space for writing and laying out materials.  The host agency provides light refreshments for morning and afternoon breaks.  We ask the host to locally distribute an announcement of the workshop and the registration procedure, since they have a more complete local contact list and their endorsement of the workshop encourages others to register.  We’ll supply the advertisement copy in Word format.


                                                                                                                                          Navy Pier, Chicago, IL    

What are Benefit Training and Consulting's Responsibilities?


    We also distribute the advertisement via our distribution list.  We handle all registration procedures and communication with registrants.  We supply all training materials and cover all costs for travel and lodging. We ask the host to provide a projection screen (white, minimum of 6-foot square) and a six foot work table.


    The workshop registration begins at 8:30. The workshop program begins at 9:00.  Lunch is “on-your-own” at 12:00.  We resume at 1:00 and conclude by 4:00.  A break is taken during the morning session and the afternoon session.


Okay, we're interesting in hosting a workshop.  What's next?


    Once an organization has expressed interest in hosting a workshop.  Their name is added to our list of interested hosts.  As we plan the itinerary for workshops, we contact the organization to explore their continued interest in hosting a workshop and the compatibility of scheduling the workshop for a specific date.


    Many organizations express interest in hosting a workshop, but hesitate due to lack of adequate training space at their facility.  The solution – they use free space at public facilities in their community. Mike has conducted workshops at public libraries, city council chambers, public schools and colleges, church meeting halls, union halls, VFW halls, one-stop centers, corporate training facilities, local hospital training facilities, museums, and a railroad dining car (stationary).


    Contact us if you are interested in hosting a workshop. There absolutely no obligation or

commitment  to hosting a workshop if you ask to be placed on the list.


Contact us at [email protected]


   If you are interested in doing a workshop specifically for your organization than you need to review "Sponsor a workshop"



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